Q: I noticed that XS does not support RCX 2.0 on Linux. Is that because of the unavailability of Lego USB driver on Linux?
A: Yes, it used to be. Now that recent versions of Linux support Lego USB driver, you may be able to use RCX 2.0 on your Linux.

Q: I have an RCX 1.0. I downloaded XS. I am running this on Redhat Linux. When I execute util/firmdl3 boot/brickOS.srec, after a few percent (2% or 4%), the second part fails. I have tried dimming the room lights, using a paper shield, etc., but I never get farther than a few percent into the process. Do you have any suggestions?
A: Downloading brickOS through serial port is sometimes the most difficult part to start using XS. If possible, turn off all lights in the room and try at night. If this does not work, try in another room. Once you have succeeded downloading brickOS, you will have less trouble because we use a different communication protocol for other parts of XS.

Q: I got XS loaded into my RCX ok and the LISP works fine on my computer. However, it doesn't seem to affect the RCX at all. In fact, when I enter "(linked?)" it returns true even if the RCX is off and out of range of the tower. Is there a linking command I'm missing?
A: Make sure you are using xs.exe for Windows. There is another executable file xs0.exe in the distribution package. xs0.exe is a stand-alone Lisp processor that runs solely on the front-end PC without communicating with the RCX. It "simulates" the behavior of RCX and "(linked?)" always returns true.

Q: When I try to install the brickOS to my RCX I get a message saying that the msvcr70.dll cannot be found. Where might I find that?
A: msvcr70.dll is a run-time library, which is distributed as part of Microsoft Visual C++ .NET. Make sure your machine has the dll file in the proper folder, which is usually C:\WINDOWS\system32. If not, download the dll file (344 KB) from here and save it in the folder you intalled XS.

If you can read Japanese, visit also the Japanese FAQ page, which contains some more information.
Copyright 2004, Taiichi Yuasa